Friday, September 25, 2009

Moving Forward

Coming to grips with the past I think is one of the hardest things for me to do. Things that have happened, mistakes I've made, people that have hurt me and vice versa, all haunt me ferociously. I know as hard as I may try, there is nothing I can do to change the past.
This week, trying to find the motivation to move forward and shake my regretful fixation, I keep reminding myself of this...

Live in the present and believe in the future. Glancing at the past can edify and assure you; however, staring at it can control and destroy you.

v edify
to improve the mind or morals of.
To instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement.
make understand

v as·sure (-shr)
1. To inform positively, as to remove doubt
2. To cause to feel sure: assured her of his devotion.
3. To give confidence to; reassure.
4. To make certain; ensure: "Nothing in history assures the success of our civilization"
5. To make safe or secure.

I know I will falter, but I shall desperately try and start staring at the beautiful things right in front of me to regain my control. I long to improve and grow confident. I refuse to be destroyed!

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